Chapter 6. Using Typeclasses

Table of Contents

The need for typeclasses
What are typeclasses?
Defining new typeclasses
Declaring typeclass instances
Well-known typeclasses
Serialization with Read and Show
Numeric Types
Equality, Ordering, and Comparisons
Automatic Derivation

Typeclasses are one of the most powerful features in Haskell. They are also at the heart of some basic language features such as equality testing and numeric operators. Before we talk about what exactly typeclasses are, though, we'd like to first explain the need for them.

The need for typeclasses

Let's imaging that for some unfathomable reason, the designers of the Haskell language neglected to implement the equality test ==. Once you got over your shock at hearing this, you resolved to implement your own equality tests. Your application consisted of a simple Color type, and so your first equality test is for this type. Your first attempt might look like Example 6.1, “Naive Equality -- Colors (naiveeq.hs)”.

Example 6.1. Naive Equality -- Colors (naiveeq.hs)

data Color = Red | Green | Blue

colorEq :: Color -> Color -> Bool
colorEq Red Red = True
colorEq Red _ = False
colorEq Green Green = True
colorEq Green _ = False
colorEq Blue Blue = True
colorEq Blue _ = Falsedata Color = Red | Green | Blue

colorEq :: Color -> Color -> Bool
colorEq Red Red = True
colorEq Red _ = False
colorEq Green Green = True
colorEq Green _ = False
colorEq Blue Blue = True
colorEq Blue _ = False

You can test this with ghci or hugs:

*Main> colorEq Red Red
*Main> colorEq Red Blue

*Main> colorEq Red Red
*Main> colorEq Red Blue

Now, let's say that you want to add an equality test for Strings. Since a Haskell String is a list of characters, we can write a simple function to perform that test. For simplicity, we cheat a bit and use the == operator a couple of times.

stringEq :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool
-- Match if both are empty
stringEq [] [] = True
-- Evaluate when we have only one character in both
stringEq [x] [y] = x == y
-- If both start with the same char, check the rest
stringEq (x:xs) (y:ys) = 
    if x == y
        then stringEq xs ys
        else False
-- Everything else doesn't match
stringEq _ _ = FalsestringEq :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool
-- Match if both are empty
stringEq [] [] = True
-- Evaluate when we have only one character in both
stringEq [x] [y] = x == y
-- If both start with the same char, check the rest
stringEq (x:xs) (y:ys) = 
    if x == y
        then stringEq xs ys
        else False
-- Everything else doesn't match
stringEq _ _ = False

You should now be able to see a problem: we have to define a new function for every different type that we want to be able to compare. That's inefficient and annoying. It's much more convenient to be able to just use == to compare anything. As it turns out, this is exactly what Haskell's typeclasses are for.

What are typeclasses?

Typeclasses define a set of functions that can operate on more than one type of data. A typeclass defines an interface, and perhaps even default implementations of functions. You then create an instance for each type that should conform to the typeclass. Once that is done, a function that's part of the typeclass definition can be called with any type that's an instance of the typeclass as a parameter.

Those familiar with object-oriented programming can think of typeclasses as objects in reverse. In OOP, when you define an object, you define what its parent classes are at that time. You must also define how it implements the methods in the parent class, if you need a custom implementation.

With typeclasses, you have greater freedom. Let's say that you have a type from a third party. Perhaps that third party didn't make it part of a typeclass that you'd like it to be part of. No problem; you can define an instance yourself. With OOP, the best you can do is subclass an object and use multiple inheritance (or, in Java, interfaces) to make the child object behave as you like. But you're still stuck if you have a parent object from somewhere.

In case that wasn't all clear, let's consider an example. Imagine you have a basket of fruit. There are things that you might want to do with just about all fruit: eat it, peel it, or maybe remove the seeds. If you were to model these actions in a Haskell library, you'd set up a Fruit typeclass. You might define functions such as eat, peel, and removeSeeds in that typeclass.

Now, your Apple type could be an instance of Fruit, implementing the three functions. It could describe removing the core of the apple to get rid of the seeds. You might also define a Peach instance that describes removing the one big seed at the center. Now, you can release Fruit v1.0. Yum!

Now, some of your friends download your library. They think that apples and peaches are fine, but maybe they'd also like to be able to eat oranges. No problem; they define an Orange type and make it an instance of Fruit. It's not necessary to modify your code to do this; anything that can operate on a Fruit can now automatically operate an an Orange as well. Thanks to typeclasses, you'll have the best fruit salad out there.

Defining new typeclasses

Let's use typeclasses to solve our equality dilemma from earlier in the chapter. The first thing that we need to do is define the typeclass itself. What we want is a function that takes two parameters, both the same type, and returns a Bool indicating whether or not they are equal. Here's our first definition of a typeclass:

class BasicEq a where
    isEqual :: a -> a -> Boolclass BasicEq a where
    isEqual :: a -> a -> Bool

This says that we are declaring a typeclass named BasicEq, and we'll refer to instance types with the letter a. This typeclass defines one function. That function takes two parameters -- both corresponding to instance types -- and returns a Bool.

On the first line, the name of the parameter a was chosen arbitrarily. We could have used any name. The key is that, when you list the types of your functions, you must use that name to refer to instance types.

Let's look at this in ghci. FIXME: insert reference to where this is defined Recall that you can type :t in ghci to have it show you the type of something. Let's see what it says about isEqual:

*Main> :t isEqual
isEqual :: (BasicEq a) => a -> a -> Bool
*Main> :t isEqual
isEqual :: (BasicEq a) => a -> a -> Bool

You can read that this way: "For all types of a, so long as a is an instance of BasicEq, isEqual takes two parameters of type a and returns a Bool".

Now that we've seen a very simple typeclass, let's expand it a bit. A not-equal-to function might be useful. Here's what we might say to define a typeclass with two functions:

class BasicEq2 a where
    isEqual2 :: a -> a -> Bool
    isNotEqual2 :: a -> a -> Boolclass BasicEq2 a where
    isEqual2 :: a -> a -> Bool
    isNotEqual2 :: a -> a -> Bool

Someone providing an instance of BasicEq2 will be required to define two functions: isEqual2 and isNotEqual2.

While our definition of BasicEq2 is fine, it seems that we're making extra work for ourselves. Logically speaking, if we know what isEqual or isNotEqual would return, we know how to figure out what the other function would return, for all types. Rather than making users of the typeclass define both functions for all types, we can provide default implementations for them. Then, users will only have to implement one function. [1] Here's an example that shows how to do this.

class BasicEq3 a where
    isEqual3 :: a -> a -> Bool
    isEqual3 x y = not (isNotEqual3 x y)

    isNotEqual3 :: a -> a -> Bool
    isNotEqual3 x y = not (isEqual3 x y)class BasicEq3 a where
    isEqual3 :: a -> a -> Bool
    isEqual3 x y = not (isNotEqual3 x y)

    isNotEqual3 :: a -> a -> Bool
    isNotEqual3 x y = not (isEqual3 x y)

People implementing this class must provide an implementation of at least one function. They can implement both if they wish, but they will not be required to.

With BasicEq3, we have provided a class that does very much the same thing as Haskell's built-in == and /= operators. In fact, these operators are defined by a typeclass that looks almost identical to BasicEq3. The Haskell 98 Report FIXME: add reference? --jg defines a typeclass that implements equality comparison. See Example 6.2, “Haskell Standard Eq Typeclass” for the built-in Eq typeclass, and note how similar it is to our BasicEq3 typeclass.

FIXME: How to cite sources on this? -- jg

Example 6.2. Haskell Standard Eq Typeclass

class  Eq a  where
    (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

        -- Minimal complete definition:
        --      (==) or (/=)
    x /= y     =  not (x == y)
    x == y     =  not (x /= y)
class  Eq a  where
    (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

        -- Minimal complete definition:
        --      (==) or (/=)
    x /= y     =  not (x == y)
    x == y     =  not (x /= y)

Declaring typeclass instances

Now that you know how to define typeclasses, it's time to learn how to define instances of typeclasses. An instance is just a type. Making it an instance of a particular typeclass means implementing the functions necessary for that typeclass.

Recall our attempt to create a test for equality over a Color type back in Example 6.1, “Naive Equality -- Colors (naiveeq.hs)”. Now let's see how we could make that same Color type a member of the BasicEq3 class.

instance BasicEq3 Color where
    isEqual3 Red Red = True
    isEqual3 Red _ = False
    isEqual3 Green Green = True
    isEqual3 Green _ = False
    isEqual3 Blue Blue = True
    isEqual3 Blue _ = Falseinstance BasicEq3 Color where
    isEqual3 Red Red = True
    isEqual3 Red _ = False
    isEqual3 Green Green = True
    isEqual3 Green _ = False
    isEqual3 Blue Blue = True
    isEqual3 Blue _ = False

Notice that we provide essentially the same function as we used back in Example 6.1, “Naive Equality -- Colors (naiveeq.hs)”. In fact, the implementation is identical. However, in this case, we can use isEqual3 on any type that we declare is an instance of BasicEq3, not just this one color type. We could define equality tests for any anything from numbers to graphics using the same basic pattern. In fact, as you will see in the section called “Equality, Ordering, and Comparisons”, this works the same as making Haskell's == operator work for your own custom types.

Note also that the BasicEq3 class defined both isEqual3 and isNotEqual3, but we defined only one of them. That's because of the default implementation contained in BasicEq3. Since we didn't explicitly define isNotEqual3, the compiler automatically uses the default implementation given in the BasicEq3 declaration.

Well-known typeclasses

Now that you're familiar with defining your own typeclasses and making your types instances of typeclasses, it's time to introduce you to typeclasses that are a standard part of Haskell. As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, typeclasses are at the core of some imporant aspects of the language. We'll cover the most common ones here.


The Show typeclass is used to convert types to Strings. It is perhaps most commonly used to convert numbers to Strings, but it is defined for so many types that it can be used to convert quite a bit more. You can also, of course, define instances for your own types as well.

The most important function of Show is show. It takes one argument: the type to convert. It returns a String representing that type. ghci reports that this way:

ghci> :t show
show :: (Show a) => a -> String
ghci> :t show
show :: (Show a) => a -> String

Let's look at some examples of converting numbers to strings:

ghci> show 1
ghci> show [1, 2, 3]
ghci> show (1, 2)
ghci> show 1
ghci> show [1, 2, 3]
ghci> show (1, 2)

Remember that ghci displays results as they would be entered into Haskell. So the expression show 1 returns a single-character string containing the digit 1. That is, the quotes are not part of the string itself. We can make that clear by using printStrLn:

ghci> putStrLn (show 1)
ghci> putStrLn (show [1,2,3])
ghci> putStrLn (show 1)
ghci> putStrLn (show [1,2,3])

You can also use show on Strings:

ghci> show "Hello!"
ghci> putStrLn (show "Hello!")
ghci> show ['H', 'i']
ghci> putStrLn (show "Hi")
ghci> show "Hi, \"Jane\""
"\"Hi, \\\"Jane\\\"\""
ghci> putStrLn (show "Hi, \"Jane\"")
"Hi, \"Jane\""
ghci> show "Hello!"
ghci> putStrLn (show "Hello!")
ghci> show ['H', 'i']
ghci> putStrLn (show "Hi")
ghci> show "Hi, \"Jane\""
"\"Hi, \\\"Jane\\\"\""
ghci> putStrLn (show "Hi, \"Jane\"")
"Hi, \"Jane\""

Running show on Strings can be confusing. Since show generates a result that is suitable for a Haskell literal, show adds quotes and escaping suitable for inclusion in a Haskell program. ghci also uses show to display results, so quotes and escaping get added twice. Using putStrLn can help make this difference clear.

You can define a Show instance for your own types easily. Here's an example:

instance Show Color where
    show Red = "Red"
    show Green = "Green"
    show Blue = "Blue"instance Show Color where
    show Red = "Red"
    show Green = "Green"
    show Blue = "Blue"

This example defines an instance of Show for our type Color (see Example 6.1, “Naive Equality -- Colors (naiveeq.hs)”). The implementation is simple: we define a function show and that's all that's needed.


The Read typeclass is essentially the opposite of Show: it will take a String, parse it, and return data in a native Haskell type. The most useful function in Read is read. You can ask ghci for its type like this:

ghci> :t read
read :: (Read a) => String -> a
ghci> :t read
read :: (Read a) => String -> a

Here's an example illustrating the use of read and show:

main = do
        putStrLn "Please enter an integer:"
        inpStr <- getLine
        let inpInt = (read inpStr)::Integer
        putStrLn ("Twice " ++ show inpInt ++ " is " ++ show (inpInt * 2))main = do
        putStrLn "Please enter an integer:"
        inpStr <- getLine
        let inpInt = (read inpStr)::Integer
        putStrLn ("Twice " ++ show inpInt ++ " is " ++ show (inpInt * 2))

FIXME: have we already explained main?

This is a simple example of read and show together. Notice that we gave an explicit typecast to Integer when processing the read. That's because read returns a value of type Read a => a and show expects a value of type Show a => a. There are many, many types that are defined for both Read and Show. Without knowing a specific type, the compiler can't possibly guess from these many types which one is needed -- at least not in this case. Therefore, we give an explicit cast.

You can see the same effect at work if you try to use read on the ghci command line. ghci internally uses show to display results, meaning that you can hit this ambiguous typing problem there as well. You'll need to explicitly cast your read results in ghci as shown here:

ghci> read "5"

    Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
      `Read a' arising from use of `read' at <interactive>:1:0-7
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
ghci> :t (read "5")
(read "5") :: (Read a) => a
ghci> (read "5")::Integer
ghci> (read "5")::Double
ghci> read "5"

    Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
      `Read a' arising from use of `read' at <interactive>:1:0-7
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
ghci> :t (read "5")
(read "5") :: (Read a) => a
ghci> (read "5")::Integer
ghci> (read "5")::Double

Recall the type of read: (Read a) => String -> a. The a here is the type of each instance of Read. Which particular parsing function is called depends upon the type that is expected from the return value of read. Let's see how that works:

ghci> (read "5.0")::Double
ghci> (read "5.0")::Integer
*** Exception: no parse
ghci> (read "5.0")::Double
ghci> (read "5.0")::Integer
*** Exception: no parse

Notice the error when trying to parse 5.0 as an Integer. The compiler selected a different parser there because the return value of read was expected to be of a different type.

The Read class provides for some fairly complicated parsers. Most people, however, choose to use Parsec for complicated parsers these days. FIXME: insert xref to parsec You can define a simple parser by providing an implementation for the readsPrec function. Your implementation can return a list containing exactly one tuple on a successful parse, or an empty list on an unsuccessful parse. Here's an example implementation:

instance Read Color where
    -- readsPrec is the main function for parsing input
    readsPrec _ value = 
        -- We pass tryParse a list of pairs.  Each pair has a string
        -- and the desired return value.  tryParse will try to match
        -- the input to one of these strings.
        tryParse [("Red", Red), ("Green", Green), ("Blue", Blue)]
        where tryParse [] = []    -- If there is nothing left to try, fail
              tryParse ((attempt, result):xs) =
                      -- Compare the start of the string to be parsed to the
                      -- text we are looking for.
                      if (take (length attempt) value) == attempt
                         -- If we have a match, return the result and the
                         -- remaining input
                         then [(result, drop (length attempt) value)]
                         -- If we don't have a match, try the next pair
                         -- in the list of attempts.
                         else tryParse xsinstance Read Color where
    -- readsPrec is the main function for parsing input
    readsPrec _ value = 
        -- We pass tryParse a list of pairs.  Each pair has a string
        -- and the desired return value.  tryParse will try to match
        -- the input to one of these strings.
        tryParse [("Red", Red), ("Green", Green), ("Blue", Blue)]
        where tryParse [] = []    -- If there is nothing left to try, fail
              tryParse ((attempt, result):xs) =
                      -- Compare the start of the string to be parsed to the
                      -- text we are looking for.
                      if (take (length attempt) value) == attempt
                         -- If we have a match, return the result and the
                         -- remaining input
                         then [(result, drop (length attempt) value)]
                         -- If we don't have a match, try the next pair
                         -- in the list of attempts.
                         else tryParse xs

This example handles the known cases for the three colors. It returns an empty list (resulting in a "no parse" message) for others. The function is supposed to return the part of the input that was not parsed, so that the system can integrate the parsing of different types together. Here's an example of using this new instance of Read:

ghci> (read "Red")::Color
ghci> (read "Green")::Color
ghci> (read "Blue")::Color
ghci> (read "[Red]")::[Color]
ghci> (read "[Red,Red,Blue]")::[Color]
ghci> (read "[Red, Red, Blue]")::[Color]
*** Exception: no parse
ghci> (read "Red")::Color
ghci> (read "Green")::Color
ghci> (read "Blue")::Color
ghci> (read "[Red]")::[Color]
ghci> (read "[Red,Red,Blue]")::[Color]
ghci> (read "[Red, Red, Blue]")::[Color]
*** Exception: no parse

Notice the error on the final attempt. That's because our parser is not smart enough to handle leading spaces yet. If we modified it to accept leading spaces, that attempt would work.

Serialization with Read and Show

Often times, you may have a data structure in memory that you need to store on disk for later retrieval or send across the network. The process of converting data in memory to a flat series of bits for storage is called serialization.

It turns out that read and show make excellent tools for serialization. show produces output that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It also mostly matches Haskell syntax.

Let's try it out in ghci:

ghci> let d1 = [Just 5, Nothing, Nothing, Just 8, Just 9]::[Maybe Int]
ghci> putStrLn (show d1)
[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]
ghci> writeFile "/tmp/test" (show d1)
ghci> let d1 = [Just 5, Nothing, Nothing, Just 8, Just 9]::[Maybe Int]
ghci> putStrLn (show d1)
[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]
ghci> writeFile "/tmp/test" (show d1)

First, we assign d1 to be a list. Next, we print out the result of show d1 so we can see what it generates. Then, we write the result of show d1 to a file named /tmp/test.

Let's try reading it back.

ghci> input <- readFile "/tmp/test"
"[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]"
ghci> let d2 = read input

    Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
      `Read a' arising from use of `read' at <interactive>:1:9-18
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
ghci> let d2 = (read input)::[Maybe Int]
ghci> print d1
[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]
ghci> print d2
[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]
ghci> d1 == d2
ghci> input <- readFile "/tmp/test"
"[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]"
ghci> let d2 = read input

    Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
      `Read a' arising from use of `read' at <interactive>:1:9-18
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
ghci> let d2 = (read input)::[Maybe Int]
ghci> print d1
[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]
ghci> print d2
[Just 5,Nothing,Nothing,Just 8,Just 9]
ghci> d1 == d2

First, we ask Haskell to read the file back.[2] Then, we try to assign the result of read input to d2. That generates an error. The reason is that the interpreter doesn't know what type d2 is meant to be, so it doesn't know how to parse the input. If we give it an explicit cast, it works, and we can verify that the two sets of data are equal.

Since so many different types are instances of Read and Show by default (and others can be made instances easily; see the section called “Automatic Derivation”), you can use it for some really complex data structures. Here are a few examples of slightly more complex data structures:

ghci> putStrLn $ show [("hi", 1), ("there", 3)]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [[1, 2, 3], [], [4, 0, 1], [], [503]]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [Left 5, Right "three", Left 0, Right "nine"]
[Left 5,Right "three",Left 0,Right "nine"]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [Left 0, Right [1, 2, 3], Left 5, Right []]
[Left 0,Right [1,2,3],Left 5,Right []]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [("hi", 1), ("there", 3)]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [[1, 2, 3], [], [4, 0, 1], [], [503]]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [Left 5, Right "three", Left 0, Right "nine"]
[Left 5,Right "three",Left 0,Right "nine"]
ghci> putStrLn $ show [Left 0, Right [1, 2, 3], Left 5, Right []]
[Left 0,Right [1,2,3],Left 5,Right []]

Numeric Types

FIXME: some of these tables don't render well under sgml2x. Will need to verify that they look good under the O'Reilly renderer.

Haskell has a powerful set of numeric types. You can using everyting from fast 32-bit or 64-bit integers to arbitrary-precision rational numbers. Yet you probably know that operators such as + can work with just about all of these. This feature is implemented using typeclasses. As a side benefit, it allows you to define your own numeric types and make them first-class citizens in Haskell.

Let's begin our discussion of the typeclasses surrounding nmeric types with an examination of the types themselves. Table 6.1, “Selected Numeric Types” describes the most commonly-used numeric types in Haskell. Note that there are also many more numeric types available for specific purposes such as interfacing to C.

Table 6.1. Selected Numeric Types

DoubleDouble-precision floating point
FloatSingle-precision floating point
IntFixed-precision signed integer; minimum range [-2^29..2^29-1]
Int1616-bit signed integer
Int3232-bit signed integer
Int6464-bit signed integer
IntegerArbitrary-precision signed integer; range limited only by machine resources
RationalArbitrary-precision rational numbers. Stored as a ratio of two Integers.
WordFixed-precision unsigned integer; storage size same as Int
Word1616-bit unsigned integer
Word3232-bit unsigned integer
Word6464-bit unsigned integer

These are quite a few different numeric types. There are some operations, such as addition, that ought to work with all of them. There are others, such as asin, that only apply to floating-point types. Table 6.2, “Selected Numeric Functions and Constants” summarizes the different functions that operate on numeric types, and Table 6.3, “Typeclass Instances for Numeric Types” matches the types with their respective typeclasses. As you read that table, keep in mind that Haskell operators are just functions: you can say either (+) 2 3 or 2 + 3 with the same result. By convention, when referring to an operator as a function, it is written in parenthesis as seen in this table.

FIXME: how to sort the operators?

Table 6.2. Selected Numeric Functions and Constants

(+)Num a => a -> a -> aAddition
(-)Num a => a -> a -> aSubtraction
(*)Num a => a -> a -> aMultiplication
(/)Fractional a => a -> a -> aFractional division
(**)Floating a => a -> a -> aRaise to the power of
(%)Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio aRatio composition
(.&.)Bits a => a -> a -> aBitwise and
(.|.)Bits a => a -> a -> aBitwise or
absNum a => a -> aAbsolute value
approxRationalRealFrac a => a -> a -> RationalApproximate rational composition based on fractional numerators and denominators
cosFloating a => a -> aCosine. Also provided are acos, cosh, and acosh, with the same type.
divIntegral a => a -> a -> aInteger division always truncated down; see also quot
fromIntegerNum a => Integer -> aConversion from an Integer to any numeric type
fromRationalFractional a => Rational -> aConversional from a Rational. May be lossy.
logFloating a => a -> aNatural logarithm
logBaseFloating a => a -> a -> aLog with explicit base
maxBoundBounded a => aThe maximum value of a bounded type
minBoundBounded a => aThe minimum value of a bounded type
modIntegral a => a -> a -> aInteger modulus
piFloating a => aMathematical constant pi
quotIntegral a => a -> a -> aInteger division; fractional part of quotient truncated towards zero
recipFractional a => a -> aReciprocal
remIntegral a => a -> a -> aRemainder of integer division
round(RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> bRounds to nearest integer
shiftBits a => a -> Int -> aShift left by the specified number of bits, which may be negative for a right shift.
sinFloating a => a -> aSine. Also provided are asin, sinh, and asinh, with the same type.
sqrtFloating a => a -> aSquare root
tanFloating a => a -> aTangent. Also provided are atan, tanh, and atanh, with the same type.
toIntegerIntegral a => a -> IntegerConvert any Integral to an Integer
toRationalReal a => a -> RationalConvert losslessly to Rational
truncate(RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> bTruncates number towards zero
xorBits a => a -> a -> aBitwise exclusive or

Table 6.3. Typeclass Instances for Numeric Types

Double  XX XXX
Float  XX XXX
Int16XX  XXX 
Int32XX  XXX 
Int64XX  XXX 
IntegerX   XXX 
Rational or any Ratio   X XXX
WordXX  XXX 
Word16XX  XXX 
Word32XX  XXX 
Word64XX  XXX 

One other question regarding Haskell's numeric types is conversion between them. Table 6.2, “Selected Numeric Functions and Constants” listed many functions that can be used for conversion. However, it is not always obvious how to apply them to convert between two arbitrary types. To help you out, Table 6.4, “Conversion Between Numeric Types” provides information on converting between different types.

Table 6.4. Conversion Between Numeric Types

Source TypeDestination Type
Double, FloatInts, WordsIntegerRational
Double, FloatfromRational . toRationaltruncatetruncatetoRational
Ints, WordsfromIntegralfromIntegralfromIntegral or toIntegerfromIntegral

Equality, Ordering, and Comparisons

We've already talked about the arithmetic operators such as + that can be used for all sorts of different numbers. But there are some even more widely-applied operators in Haskell. The most obvious, of course, are the equality tests: == and /=. Any type that can be evaluated for equality is a member of Eq, which defines those operators.

There are also comparison operators such as >= and <=. These are defined by the Ord typeclass. These are in a separate typeclass because there are some types, such as Handle, where an equality test makes sense, but there is no way to express a particular ordering. Anything that is an instance of Ord can be sorted by Data.List.sort.

Virtually all Haskell types are instances of Eq, and almost as many are instances of Ord.

Automatic Derivation

For many simple data types, the Haskell compiler can automatically derive instances of Read, Show, Bounded, Eq, and Ord for you. This saves you the effort of having to manually write parsers and display code for each type. Here's an example:

data Color = Red | Green | Blue
     deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)data Color = Red | Green | Blue
     deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)

Let's take a look at how these derived instances work for us:

ghci> show Red
ghci> (read "Red")::Color
ghci> (read "[Red,Red,Blue]")::[Color]
ghci> (read "[Red, Red, Blue]")::[Color]
ghci> Red == Red
ghci> Red == Blue
ghci> Data.List.sort [Blue,Green,Blue,Red]
ghci> Red < Blue
ghci> show Red
ghci> (read "Red")::Color
ghci> (read "[Red,Red,Blue]")::[Color]
ghci> (read "[Red, Red, Blue]")::[Color]
ghci> Red == Red
ghci> Red == Blue
ghci> Data.List.sort [Blue,Green,Blue,Red]
ghci> Red < Blue

Notice that the derived instance of Read actually works better than our hand-written version did: it successfully parsed a list with embedded whitespace.

Automatic derivation is not always possible. For instance, if you defined a type Data MyType = MyType (Int -> Bool), the compiler will not be able to derive an instance of Show because it doesn't know how to render a function. You will get a compilation error in such a situation.

[1] We provided a default implementation of both functions, which gives implementators of instances choice: they can pick which one they implement. We could have provided a default for only one function, which would have forced users to implement the other every time.

[2] As you will see in FIXME: insert ref, Haskell doesn't actually read the entire file at this point. But for the purposes of this example, we can ignore that distinction.

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Copyright 2007 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. Icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan.