Chapter 7. I/O

Table of Contents

Classic I/O in Haskell
Working With Files and Handles
More on openFile
Closing Handles
Seek and Tell
Standard Input, Output, and Error
Deleting and Renaming Files
Temporary Files
Extended Example: Functional I/O and Temporary Files
Lazy I/O
readFile and writeFile
A Word On Lazy Output
Filters with interact
The IO Monad
Is Haskell Really Imperative?
Side-Effects with Lazy I/O
Buffering Modes
Flushing The Buffer
Reading Command-Line Arguments
Environment Variables

Just about any program of any consequence is going to have to deal with input and output at some point. Many programs, in fact, are devoted to reading data, processing it, and writing it back out.

Haskell's I/O system is powerful and expressive. It is easy to work with and important to understand. I/O is the one area where the rest of Haskell's lack of side effects doesn't always apply. Haskell provides nice tools for separating I/O from computation, which helps isolate code that could introduce side effects.

We'll begin this chapter with simple, standard-looking I/O in Haskell. Then we'll discuss some of the more powerful options as well as provide more detail on how I/O fits into the pure, lazy, functional Haskell world.

Classic I/O in Haskell

FIXME: have we already explained main?

FIXME: have we already explained $ ?

Let's get started with I/O by looking at a program that looks surprisingly similar to I/O in other languages.

-- ch06/basicio.hs
main = do
       putStrLn "Greetings!  What is your name?"
       inpStr <- getLine
       putStrLn $ "Welcome to Haskell, " ++ inpStr ++ "!"-- ch06/basicio.hs
main = do
       putStrLn "Greetings!  What is your name?"
       inpStr <- getLine
       putStrLn $ "Welcome to Haskell, " ++ inpStr ++ "!"

FIXME: have we explained how to compile to a standalone program?

You can compile this program to a standalone executable, run it with runghc, run it with hugs, or invoke main from within ghci. Here's a sample session using runghc:

$ runghc basicio.hs
Greetings!  What is your name?
Welcome to Haskell, John!

$ runghc basicio.hs
Greetings!  What is your name?
Welcome to Haskell, John!

That's a fairly simple, obvious result. You can see that putStrLn writes out a String, followed by an end-of-line character. getLine reads a line from standard input. The <- operator may be new to you. Put simply, that operator assigns the result from executing an I/O action to a name. [3] We use the simple list concatenation operator ++ to join the input string with our own text.

do is a convenient way to define a sequence of actions. As you'll see later, there are other ways. When you use do in this way, indentation is significant; make sure you line up your actions properly.

You only need to use do if you have more than one action that you need to perform. The return value of a do block is the return value of the last action executed.

Let's take a look at the types of putStrLn and getLine. You can find that information in the library reference, or just ask ghci:

ghci> :t putStrLn
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
ghci> :t getLine
getLine :: IO String
ghci> :t putStrLn
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
ghci> :t getLine
getLine :: IO String

Notice that both of these types have IO in their return value. That is your key to knowing that they may have side-effects or return different values at different times. The type of putStrLn looks like a function. It takes a parameter -- a String -- and returns an IO (). Just what is an IO () though?

Anything that is type IO something is an I/O action. You can store it and nothing will happen. I could say writefoo = putStrLn "foo" and nothing happens right then. But if I later call writefoo in the middle of another I/O action, it will be executed. The () is, essentially, an empty return value; there is no return value to speak of from putStrLn. Let's look at that with ghci:

ghci> let writefoo = putStrLn "foo"
ghci> writefoo
ghci> let writefoo = putStrLn "foo"
ghci> writefoo

In this example, the output foo is not a return value from putStrLn. Rather, it's the result of putStrLn actually writing foo to the terminal.

The type of getLine may look strange to you. It looks like a value, rather than a function. And in fact, that is one way to look at it: getLine is storing an I/O action. When that action is run, you get a String. The <- operator is used to "pull out" the result from an I/O action and store it in a variable.

Finally, main itself is an I/O action with type IO (). You can only execute I/O actions or use <- from within other I/O actions. So all I/O in Haskell programs is driven from the top at main, which is where execution of every Haskell program begins. This, then, is the mechanism that provides isolation from side-effects in Haskell: you perform I/O in your IO actions, and call pure (non-I/O) functions from there.

Let's consider an example of calling pure code from within an I/O action:

-- ch06/callingpure.hs

name2reply :: String -> String
name2reply name =
    "Pleased to meet you, " ++ name ++ ".\n" ++
    "Your name contains " ++ charcount ++ " characters."
    where charcount = show (length name)

main :: IO ()
main = do
       putStrLn "Greetings once again.  What is your name?"
       inpStr <- getLine
       let outStr = name2reply inpStr
       putStrLn outStr-- ch06/callingpure.hs

name2reply :: String -> String
name2reply name =
    "Pleased to meet you, " ++ name ++ ".\n" ++
    "Your name contains " ++ charcount ++ " characters."
    where charcount = show (length name)

main :: IO ()
main = do
       putStrLn "Greetings once again.  What is your name?"
       inpStr <- getLine
       let outStr = name2reply inpStr
       putStrLn outStr

Notice the name2reply function in this example. It is a regular Haskell function and obeys all the rules we've told you about: it always returns the same result when given the same input, it has no side-effects, and it operates lazily. It uses other Haskell functions: (++), show, and length. You can play with it in ghci just as you would any other function.

Down in main, we assign the result of name2reply inpStr to outStr. When you're working in a do block, remember: you use <- to get results from IO actions and let to get results from pure code.

You can see here how we read from the keyboard the person's name. Then, that data got passed to a pure function, and its result was printed. In fact, the last line of main could have been replaced with putStrLn (name2reply inpStr). So, while main did have side-effects -- it caused things to appear on the terminal, for instance -- name2reply did not and could not.

Let's examine this with ghci:

ghci> :l callingpure.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( callingpure.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> name2reply "John"
"Pleased to meet you, John.\nYour name contains 4 characters."
ghci> putStrLn (name2reply "John")
Pleased to meet you, John.
Your name contains 4 characters.
ghci> :l callingpure.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( callingpure.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> name2reply "John"
"Pleased to meet you, John.\nYour name contains 4 characters."
ghci> putStrLn (name2reply "John")
Pleased to meet you, John.
Your name contains 4 characters.

The \n within the string is the end-of-line (newline) character, which causes the terminal to begin a new line in its output. Just calling name2reply "John" in ghci will show you the \n literally, because it is using show to display the return value. But using putStrLn sends it to the terminal, and the terminal interprets \n to start a new line.

What do you think will happen if you simply type main at the ghci prompt? Give it a try.

After looking at these example programs, you may be wondering if Haskell is really imperative rather than lazy. It sure looks like a sequence of actions to be followed in order. There's more to it than that, though. We'll discuss that question later in this chapter in the section called “Is Haskell Really Imperative?” and the section called “Lazy I/O”.

Haskell defines quite a few basic functions for I/O. The library reference for System.IO provides a good summary of them all, should you need one that we haven't demonstrated here.

Working With Files and Handles

FIXME: deleting files, renaming them, directory contents

So far, you've seen how to work with the terminal. Of course, you'll often need to manipulate specific files. That's easy to do, too.

You will generally begin by using openFile, which will give you a file Handle. That Handle is then used to perform specific operations on the file. Haskell provides functions such as hPutStrLn that work just like putStrLn but take an additional argument -- a Handle -- that specifies which file to operate upon. When you're done, you'll use hClose to close the Handle again. These functions are all defined in System.IO, so you'll need to import that module when working with files. There are "h" functions corresponding to virtually all of the non-"h" functions; for instance, there is print for printing to the screen and hPrint for printing to a file.

Let's start with an imperative way to read and write files. This will probably seem familiar to a while loop that you may find in other languages. This isn't the best way to write it in Haskell; later, you'll see examples of more Haskellish approaches.

-- ch06/toupper-imp.hs

import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inh <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
       outh <- openFile "output.txt" WriteMode
       mainloop inh outh
       hClose inh
       hClose outh

mainloop inh outh = 
    do ineof <- hIsEOF inh
       if ineof
           then return ()
           else do inpStr <- hGetLine inh
                   hPutStrLn outh (map toUpper inpStr)
                   mainloop inh outh-- ch06/toupper-imp.hs

import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inh <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
       outh <- openFile "output.txt" WriteMode
       mainloop inh outh
       hClose inh
       hClose outh

mainloop inh outh = 
    do ineof <- hIsEOF inh
       if ineof
           then return ()
           else do inpStr <- hGetLine inh
                   hPutStrLn outh (map toUpper inpStr)
                   mainloop inh outh

Like every Haskell program, execution of this program begins as main. Two files are opened: input.txt is opened for reading, and output.txt is opened for writing. Then we call mainloop.

mainloop begins by checking to see if we're at the end of file (EOF) for the input. If we are, then we return () -- this function doesn't return any other specific value. Otherwise, we read a line from the input. We write out the same line to the output, after first converting it to uppercase. Then we recursively call mainloop again to continue processing the file.

Notice that return call. This is not really the same as return in C or Python. In those languages, return is used to terminate execution of the current function immediately, and to return a value to the caller. In Haskell, return is the opposite of <-. That is, return takes a pure value and wraps it inside IO. Since every I/O action must return some IO type, if your result came from pure computation, you must use return to wrap it in IO.

Let's try running the program. We've got a file named input.txt that looks like this:

This is ch06/input.txt

Test Input
I like Haskell
Haskell is great
I/O is fun

This is ch06/input.txt

Test Input
I like Haskell
Haskell is great
I/O is fun


Now, you can use runghc toupper-imp.hs and you'll find output.txt in your directory. It should look like this:






More on openFile

Let's use ghci to check on the type of openFile:

ghci> :m System.IO
ghci> :t openFile
openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
ghci> :m System.IO
ghci> :t openFile
openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle

FilePath is simply another name for String. It is used in the types of I/O functions to help clarify that the parameter is being used as a filename, and not as regular data.

IOMode specifies how the file is to be managed. The possible values for IOMode are listed in Table 7.1, “Possible IOMode Values”.

FIXME: check formatting on this table for final book; openjade doesn't render it well

Table 7.1. Possible IOMode Values

IOModeCan read?Can write?Starting positionNotes
ReadModeYesNoBeginning of fileFile must exist already
WriteModeNoYesBeginning of fileFile is truncated if it already existed
ReadWriteModeYesYesBeginning of fileFile is created if it didn't exist; otherwise, existing data is left intact
AppendModeNoYesEnd of fileFile is created if it didn't exist; otherwise, existing data is left intact.

While we are mostly working with text examples in this chapter, binary files can also be used in Haskell. If you are working with a binary file, you should use openBinaryFile instead of openFile. Operating systems such as Windows process files differently if they are opened as binary instead of as text. On operating systems such as Linux, both openFile and openBinaryFile perform the same operation. Nevertheless, for portability, it is still wise to always use openBinaryFile if you will be dealing with binary data.

Closing Handles

You've already seen that hClose is used to close file handles. Let's take a moment and think about why this is important.

As you'll see in the section called “Buffering”, Haskell maintains internal buffers for files. This provides an important performance boost. However, it means that if you fail to hClose a file that is open for writing, your data may not all be flushed out to disk until you call hClose.

Another reason to make sure to hClose files is that open files take up memory on the system. If your program runs for a long time, and opens many files but fails to close them, it is conceivable that your program could even crash due to resource exhaustion.

When a program exits, Haskell will normally take care of closing any files that remain open. However, there are some circumstances in which this may not happen[4], so once again, it is best to be responsible and call hClose all the time.

Seek and Tell

When reading and writing from a file, the operating system maintains an internal idea of the current position. Each time you do another read, the operating system returns the next chunk of data that begins at the current position, and increments the position to reflect the data that you read.

You can use hTell to find out your current position in the file. When the file is initially created, it is empty and your position will be 0. After you write out 5 bytes, your position will be 5, and so on. hTell takes a Handle and returns an IO Integer with your position.

The companion to hTell is hSeek. hSeek lets you reposition the file position. It takes three parameters: a Handle, a SeekMode, and a position.

SeekMode can be one of three different values, which specify how the given position is to be interpreted. AbsoluteSeek means that the position is a precise location in the file. This is the same kind of information that hTell gives you. RelativeSeek means to seek from the current position. A positive number requests going forwards in the file, and a negative number means going backwards. FIXME: do we need an example? Finally, SeekFromEnd will seek to the specified number of bytes before the end of the file. hSeek handle SeekFromEnd 0 will take you to the end of the file.

FIXME: do we need an example?

Not all Handles are seekable. A Handle usually corresponds to a file, but it can also correspond to other things such as network connections, tape drives, or terminals. You can use hIsSeekable to see if a given Handle is seekable.

Standard Input, Output, and Error

Earlier, I pointed out that for each non-"h" function, there is usually also a corresponding "h" function that works on any Handle. The non-"h" functions nothing more than shortcuts, in fact.

There are three pre-defined Handles in System.IO. These Handles are always available for your use.

They are stdin, which corresponds to standard input; stdout for standard output; and stderr for standard error. Standard input normally refers to the keyboard, standard output to the monitor, and standard error also normally goes to the monitor.

Functions such as getLine can thus be trivially defined like this:

getLine = hGetLine stdin
putStrLn = hPutStrLn stdout
print = hPrint stdout

getLine = hGetLine stdin
putStrLn = hPutStrLn stdout
print = hPrint stdout

Earlier, I told you what the three standard file handles "normally" correspond to. That's because some operating systems let you redirect the file handles to come from (or go to) different places -- files, devices, or even other programs. This feature is used extensively in shell scripting on POSIX (Linux, BSD, Mac) operating systems, but can also be used on Windows.

It often makes sense to use standard input and output instead of specific files. This lets you interact with a human at the terminal. But it also lets you work with input and output files -- or even combine your code with other programs -- if that's what's requested.

As an example, we can provide input to callingpure.hs in advance like this:

$ echo John | runhaskell callingpure.hs
Greetings once again.  What is your name?
Pleased to meet you, John.
Your name contains 4 characters.
$ echo John | runhaskell callingpure.hs
Greetings once again.  What is your name?
Pleased to meet you, John.
Your name contains 4 characters.

FIXME: does this work on windows?

While callingpure.hs was running, it did not wait for input at the keyboard; instead it received John from the echo program. Notice also that the output didn't contain the word John on a separate line as it did when this program was run at the keyboard. The terminal normally echoes everything you type back to you, but that is technically input, and this not included in the output stream.

Deleting and Renaming Files

So far in this chapter, we've discussed the contents of the files. Let's now talk a bit about the files themselves.

System.Directory provides two functions you may find useful. removeFile takes a single argument, a filename, and deletes that file.[5] renameFile takes two filenames: the first is the old name and the second is the new name. If the new filename is in a different directory, you can also think of this as a move. The old filename must exist prior to the call to renameFile. If the new file already exists, it is removed before the rename takes place.

There are many other functions in System.Directory for doing things such as creating and removing directories, finding lists of files in directories, and testing for file existance. These are discussed in FIXME: add ref to appropriate section of chapter 19.

Temporary Files

Programmers frequently have a need for temporary files. These files may be used to store large amounts of data needed for computations, data to be used by other programs, or any number of other uses.

While you could craft a way to manually open files with unique names, the details of doing this in a secure way differ from platform to platform. Haskell provides a convenient function called openTempFile (and a corresponding openBinaryTempFile) to handle the difficult bits for you.

openTempFile takes two parameters: the directory in which to create the file, and a "template" for naming the file. The directory could simply be "." for the current working directory. Or you could use System.Directory.getTemporaryDirectory to find the best place for temporary files on a given machine. The template is used as the basis for the file name; it will have some random characters added to it to ensure that the result is truly unique.

The result of this function is IO (FilePath, Handle). The first part of the tuple is the name of the file created, and the second is a Handle opened in ReadWriteMode over that file. When you're done with the file, you'll want to hClose it and then call removeFile to delete it. See the following example for a sample function to use.

Extended Example: Functional I/O and Temporary Files

Here's a larger example that puts together some concepts from this chapter, from some earlier chapters, and a few you haven't seen yet. Take a look at the program and see if you can figure out what it does and how it works.

-- ch06/tempfile.hs

import System.IO
import System.Directory(getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile)
import System.IO.Error(catch)
import Control.Exception(finally)

-- The main entry point.  Work with a temp file in myAction.
main :: IO ()
main = withTempFile "mytemp.txt" myAction

{- The guts of the program.  Called with the path and handle of a temporary
   file.  When this function exits, that file will be closed and deleted
   because myAction was called from withTempFile. -}
myAction :: FilePath -> Handle -> IO ()
myAction tempname temph = 
    do -- Start by displaying a greeting on the terminal
       putStrLn "Welcome to tempfile.hs"
       putStrLn $ "I have a temporary file at " ++ tempname

       -- Let's see what the initial position is
       pos <- hTell temph
       putStrLn $ "My initial position is " ++ show pos

       -- Now, write some data to the temporary file
       let tempdata = show [1..10]
       putStrLn $ "Writing one line containing " ++ 
                  show (length tempdata) ++ " bytes: " ++
       hPutStrLn temph tempdata

       -- Get our new position.  This doesn't actually modify pos,
       -- but makes the name "pos" correspond to a different value for
       -- the remainder of the "do" block.
       pos <- hTell temph
       putStrLn $ "After writing, my new position is " ++ show pos

       -- Seek to the beginning of the file and display it
       putStrLn $ "The file content is: "
       hSeek temph AbsoluteSeek 0

       -- hGetContents performs a lazy read of the entire file
       c <- hGetContents temph

       -- Copy the file byte-for-byte to stdout, followed by \n
       putStrLn c

       -- Let's also display it as a Haskell literal
       putStrLn $ "Which could be expressed as this Haskell literal:"
       print c

{- This function takes two parameters: a filename pattern and another
   function.  It will create a temporary file, and pass the name and Handle
   of that file to the given function.

   The temporary file is created with openTempFile.  The directory is the one
   indicated by getTemporaryDirectory, or, if the system has no notion of
   a temporary directory, "." is used.  The given pattern is passed to

   After the given function terminates, even if it terminates due to an
   exception, the Handle is closed and the file is deleted. -}
withTempFile :: String -> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempFile pattern func =
    do -- The library ref says that getTemporaryDirectory may raise on
       -- exception on systems that have no notion of a temporary directory.
       -- So, we run getTemporaryDirectory under catch.  catch takes
       -- two functions: one to run, and a different one to run if the
       -- first raised an exception.  If getTemporaryDirectory raised an
       -- exception, just use "." (the current working directory).
       tempdir <- catch (getTemporaryDirectory) (\_ -> return ".")
       (tempfile, temph) <- openTempFile tempdir pattern 

       -- Call (func tempfile temph) to perform the action on the temporary
       -- file.  finally takes two actions.  The first is the action to run.
       -- The second is an action to run after the first, regardless of
       -- whether the first action raised an exception.  This way, we ensure
       -- the temporary file is always deleted.
       finally (func tempfile temph) 
               (do hClose temph
                   removeFile tempfile)-- ch06/tempfile.hs

import System.IO
import System.Directory(getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile)
import System.IO.Error(catch)
import Control.Exception(finally)

-- The main entry point.  Work with a temp file in myAction.
main :: IO ()
main = withTempFile "mytemp.txt" myAction

{- The guts of the program.  Called with the path and handle of a temporary
   file.  When this function exits, that file will be closed and deleted
   because myAction was called from withTempFile. -}
myAction :: FilePath -> Handle -> IO ()
myAction tempname temph = 
    do -- Start by displaying a greeting on the terminal
       putStrLn "Welcome to tempfile.hs"
       putStrLn $ "I have a temporary file at " ++ tempname

       -- Let's see what the initial position is
       pos <- hTell temph
       putStrLn $ "My initial position is " ++ show pos

       -- Now, write some data to the temporary file
       let tempdata = show [1..10]
       putStrLn $ "Writing one line containing " ++ 
                  show (length tempdata) ++ " bytes: " ++
       hPutStrLn temph tempdata

       -- Get our new position.  This doesn't actually modify pos,
       -- but makes the name "pos" correspond to a different value for
       -- the remainder of the "do" block.
       pos <- hTell temph
       putStrLn $ "After writing, my new position is " ++ show pos

       -- Seek to the beginning of the file and display it
       putStrLn $ "The file content is: "
       hSeek temph AbsoluteSeek 0

       -- hGetContents performs a lazy read of the entire file
       c <- hGetContents temph

       -- Copy the file byte-for-byte to stdout, followed by \n
       putStrLn c

       -- Let's also display it as a Haskell literal
       putStrLn $ "Which could be expressed as this Haskell literal:"
       print c

{- This function takes two parameters: a filename pattern and another
   function.  It will create a temporary file, and pass the name and Handle
   of that file to the given function.

   The temporary file is created with openTempFile.  The directory is the one
   indicated by getTemporaryDirectory, or, if the system has no notion of
   a temporary directory, "." is used.  The given pattern is passed to

   After the given function terminates, even if it terminates due to an
   exception, the Handle is closed and the file is deleted. -}
withTempFile :: String -> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempFile pattern func =
    do -- The library ref says that getTemporaryDirectory may raise on
       -- exception on systems that have no notion of a temporary directory.
       -- So, we run getTemporaryDirectory under catch.  catch takes
       -- two functions: one to run, and a different one to run if the
       -- first raised an exception.  If getTemporaryDirectory raised an
       -- exception, just use "." (the current working directory).
       tempdir <- catch (getTemporaryDirectory) (\_ -> return ".")
       (tempfile, temph) <- openTempFile tempdir pattern 

       -- Call (func tempfile temph) to perform the action on the temporary
       -- file.  finally takes two actions.  The first is the action to run.
       -- The second is an action to run after the first, regardless of
       -- whether the first action raised an exception.  This way, we ensure
       -- the temporary file is always deleted.
       finally (func tempfile temph) 
               (do hClose temph
                   removeFile tempfile)

Let's start looking at this program from the end. The withTempFile function demonstrates that Haskell doesn't forget its functional nature when I/O is introduced. This function takes a String and another function. The passed function is passed the name and Handle of a temporary file. When that function exits, the temporary file is closed and deleted.

There is some exception handling going on to make the program more robust in the face of errors. You normally want the temporary files to be deleted all the time, even if something went wrong. So we make sure that happens. For more on exception handling, and the use of catch and finally see FIXME: add ref (ch 18 or 24?).

Let's return to the start of the program. main is defined simply as withTempFile "mytemp.txt" myAction. myAction, then, will be invoked with the name and Handle of the temporary file.

myAction displays some information to the terminal, writes some data to the file, seeks to the beginning of the file, and reads the data back with hGetContents.[6] It then displays the contents of the file byte-for-byte, and also as a Haskell literal via print c. That's the same as putStrLn (show c).

Let's look at the output:

$ runhaskell tempfile.hs
Welcome to tempfile.hs
I have a temporary file at /tmp/mytemp8572.txt
My initial position is 0
Writing one line containing 22 bytes: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
After writing, my new position is 23
The file content is:

Which could be expressed as this Haskell literal:
$ runhaskell tempfile.hs
Welcome to tempfile.hs
I have a temporary file at /tmp/mytemp8572.txt
My initial position is 0
Writing one line containing 22 bytes: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
After writing, my new position is 23
The file content is:

Which could be expressed as this Haskell literal:

Every time you run this program, your temporary file name should be slightly different since it contains a randomly-generated component. Looking at this output, there are a few questions that might occur to you:

  1. Why is your position 23 after writing a line with 22 bytes?

  2. Why is there an empty line after the file content display?

  3. Why is there a \n at the end of the Haskell literal display?

You might be able to guess that the answers to all three questions are related. See if you can work out the answers for a moment. If you need some help, here are the explanations:

  1. That's because we used hPutStrLn instead of hPutStr to write the data. hPutStrLn always terminates the line by writing a \n at the end, which didn't appear in tempdata.

  2. We used putStrLn c to display the file contents c. Because the data was written originally with hPutStrLn, c ends with the newline character, and putStrLn adds a second newline character. The result is a blank line.

  3. The \n is the newline character from the original hPutStrLn.

Lazy I/O

So far in this chapter, you've seen examples of fairly traditional I/O. Each line, or block of data, is requested individually and processed individually.

Haskell has another approach available to you as well. Since Haskell is a lazy language, meaning that any given piece of data is only evaluated when its value must be known, there are some novel ways of approaching I/O.


One novel way to approach I/O is the hGetContents function.[7] hGetContents has the type Handle -> IO String. The String it returns represents the entire data in the file given by the Handle.[8]

In an imperative language, use of such a function is often a bad idea. It may be fine to read the entire contents of a 2KB file, but if you try to read the entire contents of a 500GB file, you are likely to crash due to lack of RAM to store all that data.

But hGetContents is different. The String it returns is evaluated lazily. At the moment you call hGetContents, nothing is actually read. Data is only read from the Handle as the elements (characters) of the list are processed. As elements of the String are no longer used, Haskell automatically frees that memory. All of this happens completely transparently to you. And since you have what looks like -- and, really, is -- a pure String, you can pass it to pure (non-IO) code.

Let's take a quick look at an example. Back in the section called “Working With Files and Handles”, you saw an imperative program that converted the entire content of a file to uppercase. Its imperative algorithm was similar to what you'd see in many other languages. Here now is the much simpler lazy algorithm:

-- ch06/toupper-lazy1.hs

import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inh <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
       outh <- openFile "output.txt" WriteMode
       inpStr <- hGetContents inh
       let result = processData inpStr
       hPutStr outh result
       hClose inh
       hClose outh

processData :: String -> String
processData = map toUpper-- ch06/toupper-lazy1.hs

import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inh <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
       outh <- openFile "output.txt" WriteMode
       inpStr <- hGetContents inh
       let result = processData inpStr
       hPutStr outh result
       hClose inh
       hClose outh

processData :: String -> String
processData = map toUpper

Notice that hGetContents handled all of the reading for us. Also, take a look at processData. It's a pure function since it has no side-effects and always returns the same result each time it is called. It has no need to know -- and no way to tell -- that its input is being read lazily from a file in this case. It can work perfectly well with a 20-character literal or a 500GB data dump on disk.

You can even verify that with ghci:

ghci> :l toupper-lazy1.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( toupper-lazy1.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> processData "Hello, there!  How are you?"
ghci> :t processData
processData :: String -> String
ghci> :t processData "Hello!"
processData "Hello!" :: String
ghci> :l toupper-lazy1.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( toupper-lazy1.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> processData "Hello, there!  How are you?"
ghci> :t processData
processData :: String -> String
ghci> :t processData "Hello!"
processData "Hello!" :: String

This program was a bit verbose to make it clear that there was pure code in use. Here's a bit more concise version, which we will build on in the next examples:

-- ch06/toupper-lazy2.hs

import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inh <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
       outh <- openFile "output.txt" WriteMode
       inpStr <- hGetContents inh
       hPutStr outh (map toUpper inpStr)
       hClose inh
       hClose outh-- ch06/toupper-lazy2.hs

import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inh <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
       outh <- openFile "output.txt" WriteMode
       inpStr <- hGetContents inh
       hPutStr outh (map toUpper inpStr)
       hClose inh
       hClose outh

You are not required to ever consume all the data from the input file when using hGetContents. Whenever the Haskell system determines that the entire string hGetContents returned can be garbage collected -- which means it will never again be used -- the file is closed for you automatically. The same principle applies to data read from the file. Whenever a given piece of data will never again be needed, the Haskell environment releases the memory it was stored within.

readFile and writeFile

Haskell programmers use hGetContents as a filter quite often. They read from one file, do something to the data, and write the result out elsewhere. This is so common that there are some shortcuts for doing it. readFile and writeFile are shortcuts for working with files as strings. They handle all the details of opening files, closing files, reading data, and writing data. readFile uses hGetContents internally.

Can you guess the Haskell types of these functions? Let's check with ghci:

-- ch06/toupper-lazy3.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inpStr <- readFile "input.txt"
       writeFile "output.txt" (map toUpper inpStr)-- ch06/toupper-lazy3.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = do 
       inpStr <- readFile "input.txt"
       writeFile "output.txt" (map toUpper inpStr)

Look at that -- the guts of the program takes up only two lines! readFile returned a lazy String, which we stored in inpStr. We then took that, processed it, and passed it to writeFile for writing.

A Word On Lazy Output

By now, you should understand how lazy input works in Haskell. But what about laziness during output?

As you know, nothing in Haskell is evaluated before its value is needed. Since functions such as putStr write out the entire String passed to them, that entire String must be evaluated. So you are guaranteed that the argument to putStr will be evaluated in full.[9]

But what does that mean for laziness of the input? In the examples above, will the call to putStr or writeFile force the entire input string to be loaded into memory at once, just to be written out?

The answer is no. putStr (and all the similar output functions) write out data as it becomes available. They also have no need for keeping around data already written, so as long as nothing else in the program needs it, the memory can be freed immediately.

You can verify this yourself by generating a large input.txt for toupper-lazy3.hs. It may take a bit to process, but you should see a constant -- and low -- memory usage while it is being processed.


You learned that readFile and writeFile address the common situation of reading from one file, making a conversion, and writing to a different file. There's a situation that's even more common than that: reading from standard input, making a conversion, and writing the result to standard output. For that situation, there is a function called interact. interact takes one argument: a function of type String -> String. That function is passed the result of getContents -- that is, standard input read lazily. The result of that function is sent to stnadard output.

We can convert our example program to operate on standard input and standard input by using interact. Here's one way to do that:

-- ch06/toupper-lazy4.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = interact (map toUpper)-- ch06/toupper-lazy4.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = interact (map toUpper)

Look at that -- one line of code to achieve our transformation! To achieve the same effect as with the previous examples, you could run this one like this:

$ runghc toupper-lazy4.hs < input.txt > output.txt
$ runghc toupper-lazy4.hs < input.txt > output.txt

Or, if you'd like to see the output printed to the screen, you could type:

$ runghc toupper-lazy4.hs < input.txt
$ runghc toupper-lazy4.hs < input.txt

If you want to see that Haskell output truly does write out chunks of data as soon as they are received, run runghc toupper-lazy4.hs without any other command-line parameters. You should see each character echoed back out as soon as you type it, but in uppercase. Buffering may change this behavior; see the section called “Buffering” later in this chapter for more on buffering. If you see each line echoed as soon as you type it, or even nothing at all for awhile, buffering is causing this behavior.

You can also write simple interactive programs using interact. Let's start with a simple example: adding a line of text before the uppercase output.

-- ch06/toupper-lazy5.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = interact (map toUpper . (++) "Your data, in uppercase, is:\n\n")-- ch06/toupper-lazy5.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = interact (map toUpper . (++) "Your data, in uppercase, is:\n\n")

Here we add a string at the beginning of the output. Can you spot the problem, though?

Since we're calling map on the result of (++), that header itself will appear in uppercase. We can fix that in this way:

-- ch06/toupper-lazy6.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = interact ((++) "Your data, in uppercase, is:\n\n" . 
                 map toUpper)-- ch06/toupper-lazy6.hs

import Data.Char(toUpper)

main = interact ((++) "Your data, in uppercase, is:\n\n" . 
                 map toUpper)

This moved the header outside of the map.

Filters with interact

Another common use of interact is filtering. Let's say that you want to write a program that reads a file and prints out every line that contains the character "a". Here's how you might do that with interact:

-- ch06/filter.hs

main = interact (unlines . filter (elem 'a') . lines)-- ch06/filter.hs

main = interact (unlines . filter (elem 'a') . lines)

This may have introduced three functions that you aren't familiar with yet. Let's inspect their types with ghci:

ghci> :t lines
lines :: String -> [String]
ghci> :t unlines
unlines :: [String] -> String
ghci> :t elem
elem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
ghci> :t lines
lines :: String -> [String]
ghci> :t unlines
unlines :: [String] -> String
ghci> :t elem
elem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool

Can you guess what these functions do just by looking at their types? With Haskell, in some cases, you can.

lines takes a String and returns a list of Strings, each one representing one line in the input. unlines does the opposite: it takes a list of Strings, joins them together, and puts the end of line character in between them. You'll frequently see lines and unlines used with I/O. Finally, elem takes a element and a list and returns True if that element occurs anywhere in the list.

Try running this over our standard example input:

  $ runghc filter.hs < input.txt
  I like Haskell
  Haskell is great
  $ runghc filter.hs < input.txt
  I like Haskell
  Haskell is great

Sure enough, you got back the two lines that contain an "a". Lazy filters are a powerful way to use Haskell. When you think about it, a filter -- such as the standard Unix program grep -- sounds a lot like a function. It takes some input, applies some computation, and generates a predictable output. This is a great match for Haskell.

The IO Monad

You've seen a number of examples of I/O in Haskell by this point. Let's take a moment to step back and think about how I/O relates to the broader Haskell language.

You may recall from FIXME: add ref that Haskell is a pure language. That is, if you give a certain function a specific argument, the function will return the same result every time you give it that argument. Moreover, the function will not change anything about the program's overall state.

You may be wondering, then, how I/O fits into this picture. Surely if you want to read a line of input from the keyboard, the function to read input can't possibly return the same result every time it is run, right? Moreover, I/O is all about changing state. I/O could cause pixels on a terminal to light up, to cause paper to start coming out of a printer, or even to cause a package to be shipped from a warehouse on a different continent. I/O doesn't just change the state of a program. You can think of I/O as changing the state of the world.


Most languages do not make a distinction between a pure function and an impure one. Haskell has functions in the mathematical sense: they are purely computations which cannot be impacted by anything external. Moreover, the computation can be performed at any time -- or even never, if its result is never needed.

Clearly, then, we need some other tool to work with I/O. That tool in Haskell is called actions. Actions resemble functions. They do nothing when they are defined, but perform some task when they are invoked. I/O actions are defined within the IO monad. Monads are actually a powerful way of chaining functions together purely and are covered in FIXME: insert ref. It's not necessary to understand monads in order to understand I/O. Just understand that the return value of actions is "tagged" with IO. Let's take a look at some types:

ghci> :t putStrLn
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
ghci> :t getLine
getLine :: IO String
ghci> :t putStrLn
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
ghci> :t getLine
getLine :: IO String

The type of putStrLn is just another function. The function takes one parameter and returns an IO (). This IO () is the action. You can store and pass actions in pure code, though this is rarely done. An action doesn't do anything until it is invoked. Let's look at an example of this:

-- ch06/actions.hs

str2action :: String -> IO ()
str2action input = putStrLn ("Data: " ++ input)

list2actions :: [String] -> [IO ()]
list2actions = map str2action

numbers :: [Int]
numbers = [1..10]

strings :: [String]
strings = map show numbers

actions :: [IO ()]
actions = list2actions strings

printitall :: IO ()
printitall = runall actions

-- Take a list of actions, and execute each of them in turn.
runall :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
runall [] = return ()
runall (firstelem:remainingelems) = 
    do firstelem
       runall remainingelems

main = do str2action "Start of the program"
          str2action "Done!"-- ch06/actions.hs

str2action :: String -> IO ()
str2action input = putStrLn ("Data: " ++ input)

list2actions :: [String] -> [IO ()]
list2actions = map str2action

numbers :: [Int]
numbers = [1..10]

strings :: [String]
strings = map show numbers

actions :: [IO ()]
actions = list2actions strings

printitall :: IO ()
printitall = runall actions

-- Take a list of actions, and execute each of them in turn.
runall :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
runall [] = return ()
runall (firstelem:remainingelems) = 
    do firstelem
       runall remainingelems

main = do str2action "Start of the program"
          str2action "Done!"

FIXME: make sure that partial application has been covered

str2action is a function that takes one parameter and returns an IO (). As you can see at the end of main, you could use this directly in another action and it will print out a line right away. But you can store -- but not execute -- the action from pure code. You can see an example of that in list2actions -- we use map over str2action and return a list of actions, just like we would with other pure data. You can see that everything up through printitall is built up with pure tools.

Although we define printitall, it doesn't get executed until its action is evaluated somewhere else. Notice in main how we use str2action as an I/O action to be executed, but earlier we used it outside of the I/O monad and assembled results into a list.

You could think of it this way: every statement, except let, in a do block must yeild an I/O action which will be executed.

The call to printitall; finally executes all those actions. Actually, since Haskell is lazy, the actions aren't generated until here either.

When you run the program, your output will look like this:

Data: Start of the program
Data: 1
Data: 2
Data: 3
Data: 4
Data: 5
Data: 6
Data: 7
Data: 8
Data: 9
Data: 10
Data: Done!
Data: Start of the program
Data: 1
Data: 2
Data: 3
Data: 4
Data: 5
Data: 6
Data: 7
Data: 8
Data: 9
Data: 10
Data: Done!

We can actually write this in a much more compact way. Consider this revision of the example:

-- ch06/actions2.hs

str2message :: String -> String
str2message input = "Data: " ++ input

str2action :: String -> IO ()
str2action = putStrLn . str2message

numbers :: [Int]
numbers = [1..10]

main = do str2action "Start of the program"
          mapM_ (str2action . show) numbers
          str2action "Done!"-- ch06/actions2.hs

str2message :: String -> String
str2message input = "Data: " ++ input

str2action :: String -> IO ()
str2action = putStrLn . str2message

numbers :: [Int]
numbers = [1..10]

main = do str2action "Start of the program"
          mapM_ (str2action . show) numbers
          str2action "Done!"

Notice in str2action the use of the standard function composition operator. In main, there's a call to mapM_. This function is similar to map. It takes a function and a list. The function supplied to mapM_ is an I/O action that is executed for every item in the list. mapM_ throws out the result of the function, though you can use mapM to return a list of I/O results if you want them. Take a look at their types:

ghci> :t mapM
mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
ghci> :t mapM_
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
ghci> :t mapM
mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
ghci> :t mapM_
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()

These functions actually work for more than just I/O; they work for any Monad. For now, wherever you see "m", just think "IO".

Why a mapM when we already have map? Because map is a pure function that returns a list. It doesn't -- and can't -- actually execute anything directly. mapM is a utility that lives in the IO monad and thus can actually execute the actions.

Going back to main, mapM_ applies (straction . show) to every element in numbers. show converts each number to a String and str2action converts each String to an action. mapM_ then takes care of executing each action, which results in a line printed out.


We mentioned earlier that do blocks are a shortcut notation. This is true. There are two operators that you can use instead of do blocks: >> and >>=. Let's look at their types in ghci:

ghci> :t (>>)
(>>) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m b
ghci> :t (>>=)
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ghci> :t (>>)
(>>) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m b
ghci> :t (>>=)
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

>> sequences two actions together: the first action is performed, then the second, and the result of the two will be the result of the second. The result of the first is thrown away. This is similar to simply having a new line in a do block.

>>= runs an action, passes its result to a function that returns an action. That action is run as well, and the result of the entire expression is the result of that second action.

Let's re-write one of our examples to avoid do blocks. Remember this example from the start of the chapter?

-- ch06/basicio.hs
main = do
       putStrLn "Greetings!  What is your name?"
       inpStr <- getLine
       putStrLn $ "Welcome to Haskell, " ++ inpStr ++ "!"-- ch06/basicio.hs
main = do
       putStrLn "Greetings!  What is your name?"
       inpStr <- getLine
       putStrLn $ "Welcome to Haskell, " ++ inpStr ++ "!"

Let's write that without a do block:

-- ch06/basicio-nodo.hs

main =
    putStrLn "Greetings!  What is your name?" >>
    getLine >>=
    (\inpStr -> putStrLn $ "Welcome to Haskell, " ++ inpStr ++ "!")-- ch06/basicio-nodo.hs

main =
    putStrLn "Greetings!  What is your name?" >>
    getLine >>=
    (\inpStr -> putStrLn $ "Welcome to Haskell, " ++ inpStr ++ "!")

The Haskell compiler is internally performing a translation just like this when you define a do block.

Is Haskell Really Imperative?

FIXME: I don't really like this explanation

These do blocks may look a lot like an imperative language. After all, you're giving commands to run in sequence most of the time.

But Haskell remains a lazy language at its core. While it is necessary to sequence actions for I/O at times, this is done using tools that are part of Haskell already. Haskell achieves a nice separation of I/O from the rest of the language through the IO monad as well.

Side-Effects with Lazy I/O

Earlier in this chapter, you read about hGetContents. We explained that the String it returns can be used in pure code.

We need to get a bit more specific about what side-effects are. When we say Haskell has no side-effects, what exactly does that mean?

At a certain level, side-effects are always possible. A poorly-written loop, even if written in pure code, could cause the system's RAM to be exhausted and the machine to crash. Or it could cause data to be swapped to disk.

When we speak of no side-effects, we mean that pure code in Haskell can't run commands that trigger side-effects. Pure functions can't modify a global variable, request I/O, or run a command to take down a system.

When you have a String from hGetContents that is passed to a pure function, the function has no idea that this String is backed by a disk file. It will behave just as it always would, but processing that String may cause the environment to issue I/O commands. The pure function isn't issuing them; they are happening as a result of the processing the pure function is doing, just as with the example of swapping RAM to disk.

In some cases, you may need more control over exactly when your I/O occurs. Perhaps you are reading data interactively from the user, or via a pipe from another program, and need to communicate directly with the user. In those cases, hGetContents will probably not be appropriate.

I'm not sure I really like this explanation


I/O is one of the slowest parts of a modern computer. Completing a write to disk can take thousands of times as long as a write to memory. A write over the network can be hundreds or thousands of times slower yet. Even if your operation doesn't directly impact the disk -- perhaps because the data is cached -- I/O still involves a system call, which slows things down by itself.

For this reason, modern operating systems and programming languages both provide various tools to help programs perform better where I/O is concerned. The operating system typically performs caching -- storing frequently-used pieces of data in memory for faster access.

Programming languages typically perform buffering. This means that they may request one large chunk of data from the operating system, even if the code underneath is processing data one character at a time. By doing this, they can achieve remarkable performance gains because each request for I/O to the operating system carries a processing cost.

Haskell, too, provides buffering. In many cases, it is even on by default. Up till now, we have pretended it isn't there. Haskell usually is good about picking a good default buffering mode. But this default is rarely the fastest. If you have speed-critical I/O code, changing buffering could make a significant impact on your program.

Buffering Modes

There are three different buffering modes in Haskell. They are defined as the BufferMode type.

NoBuffering does just what it sounds like -- no buffering. Data read via functions like hGetLine will be read from the OS one character at a time. Data written will be written immediately, and also often will be written one character at a time. For this reason, NoBuffering is usually a very poor performer and not suitable for general-purpose use.

LineBuffering causes the output buffer to be written whenever the newline character is output, or whenever it gets too large. On input, it will usually attempt to read whatever data is available in chunks until it first sees the newline character. When reading from the terminal, it should return data immediately after each press of Enter. It is often a reasonable default.

BlockBuffering causes Haskell to read or write data in fixed-size chunks when possible. This is the best performer whe processing large amounts of data in batch, even if that data is line-oriented. However, it is unusable for interactive programs because it will block input until a full block is read. BlockBuffering accepts one parameter: if Nothing, it will use an implementation-defined buffer size. Or, you can use a setting such as Just 4096 to set the buffer to 4096 bytes.

The default buffering mode is dependant upon the operating system and Haskell implementation. The current mode can be set with hSetBuffering, which accepts a Handle and BufferMode. You can ask the system for the current buffering mode by calling hGetBuffering. As an example, you can say hSetBuffering stdin (BlockBuffering Nothing).

Flushing The Buffer

For any type of buffering, you may sometimes want to force Haskell to write out any data is has saved up in the buffer. There are few times when this will happen automatically: a call to hClose, for instance. Sometimes you may want to instead call hFlush, which will force any pending data to be written immediately.

Reading Command-Line Arguments

Many command-line programs are interested in the parameters passed on the command line. System.Environment.getArgs returns a [String] listing each argument. The program name is excluded from this list. This is the same as argv[1] and on in C.

You can also call System.Environment.getProgName to find the name of the program as it was invoked.

The System.Console.GetOpt module provides some tools for parsing command-line options. If you have a program with complex options, you may find it useful.

Environment Variables

If you need to read environment variables, you can use one of two functions in System.Environment: getEnv or getEnvironment. getEnv looks for a specific variable and raises an exception if it doesn't exist. getEnvironment returns the whole environment as a [(String, String)], and then you can use functions such as lookup to find the environment entry you want.

Setting environment variables is not defined in a cross-platform way in Haskell. If you are on a POSIX platform such as Linux, you can use putEnv or setEnv from the System.Posix.Env module. Environment setting is not defined for Windows.

[3] You will later see that it has a more broad application, but it is sufficient to think of it in these terms for now.

[4] If there was a bug in the C part of a hybrid program, for instance

[5] POSIX programmers may be interested to know that this corresponds to unlink() in C.

[6] hGetContents will be discussed in the section called “Lazy I/O”

[7] There is also a shortcut function getContents that operates on standard input.

[8] More precisely, it is the entire data from the current position of the file pointer to the end of the file.

[9] Excepting I/O errors such as a full disk, of course.

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Copyright 2007 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. Icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan.